Tuesday, September 23, 2008

perfectly good friendship

every time i think everything's crap, it just gets even crapper. i expect things will soon turn around fr the better.

surprisingly not, aku sangat jealous dengan dye. she's perfect :D aku tahu laa nobody's perfect. tapi she's 80% perfect kot. erghh. glad that no one knows her HERE. haha *evil grin*
i've got a card. a birthday card. auntie lah yang bagy. dh la masa dye bg aku nga mamai br bangun tydo. bukak2 je card tuu, terselit rm100. hoho. RM100. goshh! :D
obviously, i missed fazliana. miss her a lot :D . banyak benda belum cerita. miss gilaaa nk story semua!

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