Monday, August 4, 2008


today's event; motivasi peningkatan kerohanian..*kot, which is i'm really not sure*

urm. wht can i say is; OKAY! at least ta bosan an
we got something there. i mean something somethingg duhh~
we learn how teamworks really important.
kitorg dibahagi 4 group. 2 boys; 2 girls.
tugasan; diberi kayu pelbagai bentuk and kena susun exactly the same as plan.
nampak macam senang tp.....
urm. mula2 memang macam dh ta jadik.
2nd time; we do pretty fast!
yang penting, mengalahkan 3 group lain
andd muncul as a winner. haha.
bangga gyles. happy. excited. macam2 la.
then, few minutes later,
another girl's group siap jugakk. haha
which i want to highlight here is, boy's group ta siap2 lagy.
aku gelak puehh aty! siann bak aa.
tapi semua tetap dapat hamper yang sama.

itu saja untuk hari ini. till then; tadaaa~

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