Friday, June 27, 2008

life is simple + complicated

story of tha Diva of DIVA diva DIVA;

sucha lazy day fr me. woke up early in the morning. *i don't want! but hv to*. outside is raining, and i wish to continue my sleep. the Queen size bed is waiting fr me. but i hv to go fr tuition. *argh* c'mon! lately i can't even hv time to wake up at noon as always i did before. haha. *ou SUWEEET LAYDIEE* SPM is just around the corner. ouh. i'm fucking nervous. back from tuition, i read SEJARAH! FOR GOD SAKE. i'm sleepy damned bored. as you can see, online-ing is what i do now :PP don't keep telling me i'm the candidate of 2008 SPM!! i wish i am not :((

cikgu, can i get the ANUGERAH GEMILANG AKADEMIK? ouh I WISH.

*dancing in the rain* i wish i can write cerpen fr paper BM. but i am not a poet or so-called orang seni. yaaah. aku hanya tahu buat facts essay. yupp, facts essay aku menarik. haha. *perasan*. ok. don't misunderstood. aku bukan budak BM. *juga bukan budak BI*. bagi aku, hanya orang sentimental yang berjiwa besar dan jiwang je rety nak tulis cerpen. ou. aku bukan type itu. BM aku atas pagar wei. how come? aku cakap tamil ke kat uma? burghhh. :0 geram gyle. *ini kisah lame. still ta puas hati.gagaga*

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